Accident to the Robin registered F-GUXV on 14/11/2024 at Canet-en-Roussillon
Suspicion de panne du moteur, atterrissage en campagne, heurt d'obstacles
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Suspicion de panne du moteur, atterrissage en campagne, heurt d'obstacles
runway excursion on landing
Runway excursion on landing, collision with a windsock, rupture of the left half-wing, collision with the ground
Collision with a high-voltage power line during a slinging operation
In-flight elevator control malfunction, difficulty controlling the aircraft on final, hard contact with the runway.
Utilisation d'oxygène par l'équipage
Perte de contrôle en tangage, en croisière
Runway excursion at landing
Rollover on landing
Loss of control, collision with vegetation and then ground