Accident to the Guimbal Cabri G2 registered D-HEMY on 17/12/2024 at Donauwörth (Germany)
Collision with ground while hovering during instruction flight
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Collision with ground while hovering during instruction flight
Loss of control during hover, collision with ground
Collision with ground, handling exercises, instruction solo
Collision with ground during an autorotation, in examination flight
Collision avec le sol et basculement en translation, en instruction
Atterrissage dur lors d'un exercice d'autorotation, en instruction
Loss of control, collision with ground
Perte de contrôle, collision avec la végétation, incendie
Perte de contrôle après le décollage, collision avec le sol
Loss of yaw control while hover taxiing, hard contact with the ground, in solo instruction