Serious incident to the Embraer Legacy 500 registered G-HARG operated by Centreline AV Limited on 07/10/2024 at Le Bourget
Panne électrique partielle, perte de systèmes, émission d'un message de détresse
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Panne électrique partielle, perte de systèmes, émission d'un message de détresse
Tilting to one side on landing
Collision with the surface of a frozen lake
Collision avec le sol lors d'un vol de nuit.
Mid-air collision
Destabilisation on final approach, collision with vegetation
Nose landing gear malfunction on take-off, in-flight fault management, landing with nose gear retracted
Hard landing, roll-over, on snowy surface
Conducting a flight under the influence of drugs, entry into a cloud layer, loss of visual references and loss of control, collision with terrain
Fault on an air data system en route, proximity with an aeroplane without activation of anti-collision systems