Accident to the Robin DR400 registered F-GLDN on 29/11/2024 near Lunévile
Collision en vol entre un avion et un ULM en finale, collision de l'avion avec le sol
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Collision en vol entre un avion et un ULM en finale, collision de l'avion avec le sol
Suspicion de panne du moteur, atterrissage en campagne, heurt d'obstacles
attempted take-off, vibrations, bounces, runway overrun
Runway overrun on landing
Loss of lift on take-off, collision with ground, fire
Runway veer-off during landing run, in supervised solo instruction
Runway excursion on landing, collision with a windsock, rupture of the left half-wing, collision with the ground
Loss of control during a touch-and-go, runway overrun, collision with bank
Runway veer-off during a touch-and-go, in solo instruction
Manual stirring of the propeller, untimely engine start, taxiing without a pilot