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Accident to the Pipistrel SW121 registered F-HOCR on 09/07/2022 at Clermont-Ferrand

Effacement du train avant lors de l'atterrissage

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation published in September 2022. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.

Note: the following information is principally based on statements made by the pilot. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.

1. History of the flight

During a multi-leg cross-country flight, the pilot, accompanied by a friend who was also a pilot, entered the Clermont-Ferrand - Auvergne airport CTR. The controller announced a northerly wind and proposed runway 08 or 26. The pilot chose runway 08 for landing.

On final, the controller stated that there was a north wind at 12 to 18 kt. The pilot carried out the final approach with the flaps in the approach configuration (flaps extended to the first flap detent), at a speed of 70 kt. On landing, the aeroplane bounced up to a height of a few metres and touched down on the nose gear. The pilot carried out a go-around after hearing a loud noise.

During the second runway circuit, the passenger took over the radio communications and informed the controller of an abnormal engine noise. The pilot thought she had damaged the nose gear and probably the propeller. The controller then proposed unpaved runway 01, measuring 645 m long, for landing. During the landing, the nose gear collapsed and the aeroplane slid for about 200 m. The pilot and the passenger evacuated the aeroplane after performing the safety actions.

2. Aditional information

2.1. Pilot information

The 20-year-old pilot held a PPL(A) licence issued in March 2022. She had logged just
over 100 flight hours, about half of which as pilot-in-command. She was on a 300 NM cross-country flight for CPL training.

2.2. Pilot's statement

The pilot explained that she selected the approach configuration (1st flap detent) and chose to increase the speed by 5 kt[1], because of the crosswind. The METAR indicated wind from 010° at 10 kt, the weather was fine.

During the bounce on landing, she tried to stabilise the aeroplane so that it would descend on its own, but she thought that she pushed slightly on the stick during this phase.

She indicated that she was not comfortable with the technique of decrabing. She added that during the PPL training she had not practised crosswind landings much. During the final, it seemed to her that the nose of the aeroplane was roughly aligned with the runway.

November 2022

[1]Speed with flaps in approach configuration = 65 kt.