Accident to Airbus Helicopters AS350, registered ZS-RCO, on 01/18/2016 at Kutuku [Investigation led by AIB / Democratic Republic of the Congo]
Perte d'efficacité de la commande de lacet en croisière, déroutement, perte de contrôle lors de l'atterrissage, renversement
Responsible entity
Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités de la République Démocratique du Congo: After takeoff from Lugushwa and en-route to Twangiza, 12 minutes into the flight, the pilot noticed there was no response from the anti-torque pedals (tail rotor) inputs. Suspecting a 'Tail Rotor Control Failure' the pilot searched for suitable place to perform a run on emergency landing. During the run on phase and as a result of the soft landing conditions, the right skid sunk into the ground causing the aircraft to roll onto its right side.