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Accident to Airbus Helicopters AS350, registered ZS-RCO, on 01/18/2016 at Kutuku [Investigation led by AIB / Democratic Republic of the Congo]

Perte d'efficacité de la commande de lacet en croisière, déroutement, perte de contrôle lors de l'atterrissage, renversement

Responsible entity

Congo, Democratic Republic of the - AIB

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités de la République Démocratique du Congo: After takeoff from Lugushwa and en-route to Twangiza, 12 minutes into the flight, the pilot noticed there was no response from the anti-torque pedals (tail rotor) inputs. Suspecting a 'Tail Rotor Control Failure' the pilot searched for suitable place to perform a run on emergency landing. During the run on phase and as a result of the soft landing conditions, the right skid sunk into the ground causing the aircraft to roll onto its right side.