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Accident to the Aquila AT01 registered D-ERLM on 08/05/2018 at Marnaves (Tarn)

Collision avec des arbres par conditions météorologiques adverses, incendie

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

The pilot took off from Troyes aerodrome around 12:10 for a VFR flight. The beginning of the flight took place at flight level 65. When abeam Guéret, the pilot descended to 2,500 ft. At 14:55, he contacted the Toulouse FIS frequency and announced that he was bound for Albi. The last radio contact with the aeroplane was at 14:56.

The aeroplane was found on wooded terrain, approximately 15 NM from Albi airport.

After a flight time of 2 h 45 min and close to his destination, the pilot was confronted with low ceilings and poor visibility.

He descended, probably to fly under the cloud layer in an area where there is high ground. The aeroplane then collided with the terrain.