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Accident to the Arsi AB Esqual VM-1C registered OO-H81 on 21/08/2018 at Rue

Perte de contrôle en vol d'instruction, collision avec le sol, incendie.

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

The instructor and the student-pilot undertook a local instruction flight that may have
included stall exercises in various configurations such as those performed during the two
previous instruction flights. After around half an hour of flight, when flying at a height of
around 3,400 ft above cultivated areas, they lost control of the microlight, which entered a
right-hand spin with variations in attitude up to collision with the ground.

The safety investigation was unable to determine what actions the pilot at the controls
carried out before and after the loss of control, or to establish the height and recovery time
needed to exit from a spin.

The installation of an airframe parachute proposed as an option by the microlight
manufacturer would have enabled the microlight, then entering a spin, to reach the ground
while limiting injuries to the occupants.