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Accident to the Aviakit Vega 912 T identified 84FK on 15/08/2020 at Saint-Martin-de-Londres (Hérault)

Collision avec la végétation lors d'un passage bas, perte de contrôle, collision avec le sol

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

Cat. 2 investigation report: simplified-format report, adapted to the circumstances of the occurrence and the investigation stakes.

During a cross-country flight bound for Villefranche-de-Panat microlight strip, the microlight pilot decided to fly over Saint-Martin-de-Londres aerodrome at low height. He knew this aerodrome well as he flew gliders there. He chose to take a path in the immediate vicinity of the hangars and any people present on the ground. During this manoeuvre, the right wing of his microlight collided with a tree and a section of the wing broke off. The pilot probably attempted to land on runway 12. During the right turn, the pilot lost control of the microlight, which hit the ground near the runway threshold.
The straight, climbing section of the flight path seemed to indicate that the pilot was still controlling the microlight.

It was not possible to determine if the loss of control was associated with a steep bank turn to come back to the runway, to a deterioration in the microlight’s aerodynamic properties caused by loss of the right aileron and a section of the wing or to the combination of both of these elements.