Accident to the Centrair - SNC34C registered F-CIHE on 03/09/2020 at Chauvigny AD (Vienne)
Arrondi tardif, atterrissage sur la roulette de nez, atterrissage dur, en instruction solo
Cat. 3 investigation report: report concerning an occurrence with limited consequences, based on one or more statements not independently validated by the BEA.
This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation published in October 2020. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.
Note: the following information is principally based on the pilot’s statement. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.
1 - History of the flight
The pilot made a towed take-off at 15:40 from runway 23 of Chauvigny aerodrome for a local flight. After two hours of flight, on returning to the aerodrome, the pilot joined the circuit in an L-shape for a landing on runway 23. The approach was carried out on the slope with an estimated speed of 100 km/h. The pilot began to flare late, the glider touched down on the nose wheel then the tail struck the ground. The fuselage was severely damaged, cracks were present on the rear of the fuselage and level with the nose wheel.
2 - Additional information
The 23-year-old pilot was training for her glider pilot's license. The accident flight was her sixth solo flight. She had logged 21.5 flight hours, including 18 hours in the month before the accident.
She indicated that she was focused on her aiming point on final approach, which she believed may have led her to start the flare too late.
The pilot added that on the day of the accident, the sky was clear, without clouds and the wind was light.