Accident to the Cessna - 172RG registered F-GEJD on 13/06/2019 at Saillagouse (Pyrénées-Orientales)
Perte de contrôle en virage lors de la montée initiale effectuée dans la zone critique du second régime de vol, collision avec le sol, incendie
For the first time since his site check-out with an instructor about three months before the accident, the pilot, who did not have a mountain rating, undertook a flight to restricted-use Sainte-Léocadie aerodrome. On arrival, he completed an aerodrome pattern for runway 07 before carrying out a touch-and-go landing.
During the take-off phase, the aircraft most likely entered the critical area of the back side of the power curve. Calculations of take-off distances under the prevailing conditions that day and the various statements given during the investigation substantiate the assumption that the aircraft performance was insufficient to carry out a safe touch-and-go landing on runway 07.
The pilot in all probability interpreted the inadequate take-off performance as an indication of a loss of engine power. The obstacles surrounding the aerodrome probably led him to turn left into the valley. The pilot then lost control of the aircraft during the manoeuvre.