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Accident to the Ikarus C42B identified 57BPJ on 22/09/2022 near Dieuze-Guéblange AD

Collision with vegetation then with the ground, post-impact fire

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

During a local flight in the vicinity of Dieuze-Guéblange restricted-use aerodrome, the microlight’s right wing tip struck an isolated tree of approximately 20 metres in height and ruptured. The microlight then collided with the ground in a field, near the downwind leg of the aerodrome. A fire broke out shortly afterwards

The examination of the wreckage revealed that all of the damage observed on the fuselage, wings, tail units and landing gear was the result of the collision with the vegetation then the ground and of the fire which ensued. The observations made on the propeller seemed to indicate that it was not rotating on the collision with the ground.

However, given the environment, with weather conditions suitable for visual flight and many fields available in the vicinity for a forced landing, it was not possible to determine why, even in the event of a possible engine problem, the microlight collided with an isolated tree of approximately 20 metres in height. As a consequence, the hypothesis of a possible incapacitation related to the pilot’s heart condition could not be ruled out.