Accident to the Dynali H3 Sport identifed 60ACX on 16/02/2021 at Ercuis
Loss of control while turning in cruise, collision with vegetation and then ground
The pilot was carrying out a pleasure and training flight on his microlight in a sector which he knew well.
On completion of these exercises, the pilot climbed to a height of around 600 ft. He then telephoned a person to inform her that he was going to join her at Persan-Beaumont aerodrome. Around 12 s after the end of the telephone call, the pilot turned left towards Persan. During the turn, the microlight took unusual attitudes, the pilot made rough inputs on the collective pitch control and the rotor blades struck the tail unit and the tail boom.
The investigation was not able to determine the reasons for this loss of control. The examinations of the wreckage and the data recorded by the microlight’s computers did not bring to light any technical failure that could explain the loss of control. It also seems unlikely that an aerological phenomenon contributed to the loss of control.
The loss of control could be explained by the pilot overreacting to the helicopter's bank to the LH side, which was steeper than during the previous turns.
As a lesson, although it is not possible to affirm that it contributed to this accident, the use of a telephone, or an object falling in the cockpit (tablet or telephone, for example) can distract a pilot's attention to the detriment of flight management. The aircraft may then take an unusual attitude which may surprise the pilot.