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Accident to the glider Alexander Schleicher ASH25M registered D-KXDD on 12/08/2018 at Orcières (Les Hautes-Alpes)

Perte de contrôle en virage, collision avec le relief, en vol de pente

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

While the pilot was slope soaring along the Roche Rousse massif, he turned right to veer away from the terrain. He continued the turn and found himself facing the terrain under the ridge.

There was local moderate to strong turbulence in the air mass. It is probable that during the turn, the stall angle of attack of the glider was suddenly reached due to a gust of wind.
The pilot lost control of the glider during the turn made facing the terrain and under the ridge. The height available in relation to the terrain at this precise moment did not allow him to recover control of the glider and avoid collision with the ground.