Accident to the helicopter Airbus AS350 registered N127LN on 26/04/2018 at Hazelhurst, Winsconsin [Investigation led by NTSB / United States]
Endormissement en vol, perte de contrôle en vol, collision avec le sol
Responsible entity
Preliminary data based on the notification from the United States authorities:
The subject helicopter (Spirit Air Medical, AMC), based in Woodruff, Wisconsin transported a passenger to Madison, WI earlier in the day. They flight departed from Dade County Airport in Madison at about 2104 CDT and were returning to their base in Woodruff (approximately 198 miles north of Madison, WI) when the accident happened. The last Sky-Track data was recorded at 2243 CDT. The accident site is located near Hazelhurst, WI (about 10 miles south of Woodruff, WI). There was no ground fire.