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Accident to the helicopter AS350 registered N515ET on 27/09/2017 at Fullerton, California [Investigation led by NTSB / United States]

Perte de contrôle lors d'un exercice de panne hydraulique, collision avec le sol, en instruction

Responsible entity

United States - NTSB

Preliminary data based on the notification from the United States authorities:

The CFI reported that the flight departed from Long Beach about 0920. The purpose of the flight was for the pilot-rated student to undergo an annual training/checkride. While at the Fullerton airport, the student configured the helicopter for a simulated hydraulics off maneuver. At the end of the maneuver the airspeed got too low and the helicopter did a 360° turn from which the CFI could not recover. The helicopter hit the ground and the tail boom severed. The wind was calm.