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Accident to the JODEL D18 registered 89WP on 25/08/2019 at La Selle-en-Hermoy microlight strip (Loiret)

Perte de contrôle en finale, collision avec le sol

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

The pilot took off from Pont-sur-Yonne aerodrome (Yonne) for the private microlight strip at La Selle-en-Hermoy, about 22 NM away. Upon arrival at his destination, the pilot flew over the runway to check out the strip and then proceeded directly to the final approach for runway 22. The strip manager, who was at that point close to threshold 22, indicated that the microlight was aligned on final with the runway. The microlight flew over the power lines about 400 m from the threshold. Then the witness saw the microlight, with a steep nose-up attitude, turn left perpendicular to the final, swing about its roll axis, and then stall with respect to its left wing.

The pilot undertook a flight to a strip that he had used once before with this aircraft. However, given the length of the runway and the wind and temperature conditions, the performance of the 89WP made landing difficult, even impossible. On final, the pilot lost control of his aircraft.