Accident to the Morane Saulnier - MS880 registered F-GITN on 23/03/2019 at Taisnière-sur-Hon
Panne moteur lors d'un exercice de panne en campagne, atterrissage forcé dans un champ
After a low airspeed exercise, the pilot performed an engine failure exercise, carrying out a go-around when he arrived above the field. During the climb, the engine stopped. The pilot was unable to restart it and made a forced landing in a freshly ploughed field. The landing gear penetrated deep into the soil causing it to break. The plane then slid for a few metres, with the landing gear broken.
The examination of the engine did not find any anomalies that might have caused it to shut down. Given the meteorological conditions and the lack of precise information about the use of the carburetor heat system, the hypothesis of carburetor icing causing the loss of engine power cannot be ruled out.