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Accident to the Pilatus PC6 - B2H4 registered F-GOCC on 27/07/2018 at Bouloc (Tarn-et-Garonne)

Collision en vol entre un parachutiste (wingsuiter) et l'avion largueur, en descente

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

The pilot of the Pilatus PC6 was on his fourth flight of the day. He had ten parachutists onboard, including two wingsuiters, who left the plane last, at an altitude of about 4,400 m. During the descent, on a steep slope and in a straight line from the drop point, the plane passed a few metres in front of the second wingsuiter and hit the first wingsuiter. His reserve parachute instantly deployed upon impact. The parachutist, who was fatally injured, was found in a field near Bouloc aerodrome.