Accident to the Piper PA24 registered G-JARY on 18/04/2023 at Le Touquet
Atterrissage train rentré
This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.
Note: The following information is principally based on the pilot’s statement. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.
1. History of the flight
The pilot, owner of the aeroplane, took off from Blackbushe airport in England for a cross-country flight to Le Touquet-Côte d'Opale airport. During the descent, the controller instructed the pilot to carry out a direct approach to runway 13[1]. The pilot stated that he received traffic information at 8.5 NM from the airport, concerning the aeroplane ahead of him on final. He received a second traffic information at 7.5 NM and decided to reduce his speed. He indicated that he extended the flaps to the landing configuration and made an input on the landing gear control. He adjusted the power to have a manifold pressure of 15 in Hg and flew the final at a speed of approximately 75 kt. The pilot landed with the landing gear retracted, the propeller touched the ground and bent slightly. The aeroplane slid to the right, slowed down and came to a halt on the runway. Light smoke entered the cockpit. The pilot put the fuel selector in the “off” position, completely reduced power and asked for assistance over the radio.
2. Additional information
2.1 Meteorological information
The Touquet airport METAR gave the following meteorological conditions at the time of the accident:
- wind from 050°, 13 kt;
- visibility 9,000 m;
- scattered clouds at 2,800 ft.
The pilot stated that he had experienced a crosswind during the landing.
2.2 Pilot information
The pilot, 34 years old at the time of the accident, held an aeroplane private pilot licence and a night rating. He had logged around 185 flight hours, of which 125 hours as pilot-in-command, most of these hours being performed on G-JARY. He had completed one flight of around 1 h 30 min, in dual control, in the three months prior to the accident.
2.3 Supplementary statement from pilot
The pilot could not remember the colour of the landing gear indicator light on final. However, he affirmed having operated the landing gear extension control. He specified that the “landing gear up” warning is activated when there is a manifold pressure of between 10 and 12 in Hg, which is below the value that he had selected on final. Before exiting the aeroplane, he completely reduced the power and the warning was triggered.
On the ground, after the accident, the pilot operated the landing gear control several times, the landing gear did not extend. The pilot then used the standby manual control: the landing gear extended correctly.
[1] Paved runway measuring 1,850 x 40 m.