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Accident to the Piper PA28 registered F-GDSE on 01/06/2024 at Cuers Pierrefeu

Runway veer off during landing run, collision with a metal plate, in solo instruction

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.

Note: the following information is principally based on statements made by the pilot and AFIS agents. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.

1. History of the flight

The student pilot was carrying out runway circuits on runway 11. After five touch-and-goes, he lined up for a full stop landing. During the landing run, the aeroplane veered off the RH side of the runway. The main LH landing gear was torn off on coming into contact with a metal plate. The aeroplane came to a stop 150 m further on.

2. Additional information

2.1 Student pilot experience and statement

The student pilot in training for a PPL had logged a flight time of 23 h 40 min including 12 h 10 min in the 30 days preceding the accident. This was his third solo flight. The flight was supervised by his instructor who was monitoring the aerodrome’s VHF frequency.

The student pilot indicated that the runway circuits and then the last approach took place without anything untoward. There was a RH wind component during the landings.

During the run after the last landing, he indicated that he encountered a gust that he was unable to counter with an input on the left pedal. He hesitated about carrying out a balked landing but considered that the manoeuvre was risky due to the buildings ahead of the aeroplane.

Due to the height of the grass, he had not seen the metal plate that the aeroplane collided with. He did not know that this plate was there.

2.2 Meteorological information

According to the pilot, at the time of the accident, visibility was greater than 10 km, there were a few scattered clouds and the wind was from 170° of 5 to 7 kt.

2.3 Aerodrome information

Cuers - Pierrefeu is open to public air traffic. It is co-managed by the French Ministry of Defence and a civilian association.

The aircraft collided with a PSP (Pierced Steel Planking) metal plate.

October 2024