Accident to the Piper PA28 registered F-GFGO on 16/02/2020 at Creissels
Perte de contrôle en vol par conditions météorologiques défavorables au vol à vue, collision avec le sol
Responsible entity
Investigation progression
As part of a two-aeroplane club excursion, the PA28 pilot undertook a flight with adverse weather
conditions for visual flight forecast at destination. On reaching a point about 5 NM from the
destination, the cloud cover was more than 5 oktas. At a height of around 600 ft, the aeroplane
entered the cloud layer and the pilot lost control in less than 10 s. When the PA28 emerged from
the cloud layer, at low height, it was on a very steep nose-down path. The pilot was unable to
avoid a collision with the ground.