Accident to the Piper - PA28 - 181 registered F-GSEV on 14/03/2020 at Bordeaux Yvrac (Gironde)
Heurt de la cime d'un arbre en finale, atterrissage forcé dans un champ, lors d’un vol de découverte BIA
Cat. 2 investigation report: simplified-format report, adapted to the circumstances of the occurrence and the investigation stakes.
On returning from the fifth introductory flight of the day, the pilot, accompanied by three passengers, entered the right-hand aerodrome circuit for a full-stop landing on runway 29. He was second, behind a C172 that was in the landing phase.
On final, the PA28 was offset from the centreline of runway 29, to the right. The leading edge of the aeroplane’s right wing hit a tree that was around 12 m tall, located approximately 200 m from the runway threshold and approximately 75 m to the right of the runway centreline.
The aeroplane turned to the right and became difficult to control. The pilot landed in an uncultivated field. During the landing, the nose gear and the left main landing gear failed and the aeroplane hit several obstacles (vegetation, fence and wall).
The accident was the result of the pilot not detecting an obstacle when the plane was no longer on the final approach path.