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Accident to the Piper PA28 registered F-HDYN on 08/07/2023 at Lognes

Balked landing, flight on the backside of the power curve, collision with obstacles situated after the end of the runway, during a local flight for remuneration

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

On short final, the aeroplane’s speed was more than 10 kt higher than the approach speed recommended in the flight manual. During the landing with a shallow flare, the aeroplane bounced five times without the pilot making an input on the wheel. After the last bounce, the pilot partially retracted the flaps with a view to improving braking effectiveness. Concerned about running over the end of the runway, the pilot decided to carry out a balked landing rather than proceeding with it. This late change in strategy was decided on when the remaining runway length was
around 200 m. The air temperature was high. The pilot did not cut off the carburettor heating and took a steep nose-up attitude. The aeroplane stayed on the backside of the power curve and the stall warning was activated. The plane reached a maximum height of around two metres, struck the aerodrome fence and then finished its run under the crash barrier of a very busy road adjacent to the aerodrome.

Furthermore, the investigation found that Club Air Pilot was selling “light instruction flight” services, notably the accident flight, outside any regulatory framework. This operating context exposed the pilot, for a large number of flights, to the risks and constraints associated with the carriage of passengers and providing a commercial service, even though she only had experience as a private pilot. In addition, the information given to the passengers before the flight did not enable them to correctly evaluate the safety level of the flight that they were purchasing.