Accident to the Robin DR400 registered F-GBUJ on 13/07/2022 at Béziers
Sortie latérale de piste lors du décollage, collision avec un obstacle, en instruction solo
This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation published in January 2023. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference. January 2023
Note: the following information is principally based on statements made by the student pilot. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.
1. History of the flight
The student pilot planned to carry out a cross-country solo flight from Béziers-Vias aerodrome bound for Carcassonne-Salvaza aerodrome. He explained that, just before he reached 100 km/h during the take-off run on paved runway 09[1], he felt a vibration coming from the nose gear. The aeroplane suddenly veered to the left, exited the side of the runway and came to a stop in the aerodrome fence.
2. Additional information
2.1. Student pilot information
The 61-year-old student pilot did not hold a pilot licence. He had logged 58 flight hours since the beginning of his training, of which 54 hours were on type.
2.2. Student pilot’s statement
The student pilot indicated that the wind was calm and the visibility and cloud cover were CAVOK.
He explained that the acceleration went normally. As there was no wind, he was able to effectively hold the runway centreline during the take-off run, until he felt vibrations at around 100 km/h.
He added that he had never encountered a situation like this at take-off. He thought that the fact that it happened at such a speed caused him to mishandle the situation. After the runway veer-off, he decided to maintain a straight path, fearing that there was a problem on the landing gear. He stated that he did not brake, reduce power or shut down the engine right away and thought that he reduced power late.
Safety lessons
In 2006, the BEA published a safety study on runway excursions.