Accident to the Robin - DR400 - 160 registered F-GCAH on 09/09/2020 at Aubenas-Ardèche Méridionale (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
Rebonds et atterrissage dur
Cat. 3 investigation report: report concerning an occurrence with limited consequences, based on one or more statements not independently validated by the BEA.
This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation published in May 2021. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.
The following information is principally based on the pilot’s statement. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.
After a flight of about one hour between Lyon-Corbas aerodrome and Aubenas-Ardèche Méridionale aerodrome, the pilot, accompanied by his wife, took two passengers from their close family circle for a pleasure flight over the Saint-Pierreville district where they live.
At the end of this local flight of about twenty minutes north of the aerodrome, the pilot joined a long final facing south, QFU 183 having been reserved by microlights in the aerodrome circuit[1]. During the landing, the aeroplane bounced a first time, and then a second time, but harder. The pilot tried to go around but found that the power lever was blocked in a near-idle position. The resulting low power did not permit the pilot to complete his attempt to take-off. With no additional power, the aeroplane hit the runway again. The pilot nevertheless managed to stay on the runway centreline and then, thanks to strong braking, to control the aeroplane on the ground. He vacated the runway via the taxiway on the right, at the end of the runway. He noticed at this point that the nose wheel could only turn to the right, as it was no longer possible to turn to the left. He stopped the aeroplane and proceeded to shut down the engine. The canopy being blocked by the deformation of the upper part of the engine cowlings, the uninjured occupants were freed by the aerodrome manager who had to remove the cowlings for this purpose.
2.1 Pilot information and statement
The 71-year-old pilot held a PPL license with a valid SEP rating and a valid class 2 medical fitness certificate. On the day of the occurrence, he had logged 180 flight hours, 63 hours of which as pilot-in-command. His experience in the last three months was five hours, all as pilot-in-command.
The pilot indicated that he had taken care not to refuel on arrival at Aubenas and that the aeroplane was in its weight and balance envelope. However, he said that he was not used to flying with three passengers.
On carrying out the approach to runway 18 at Aubenas, the pilot stated that he encountered a rain shower during the final. Although he considered the wind to be light, he felt a gust during the final approach. He believed that he had not been hampered by the sun or the heat and was not under any time pressure. The runway was dry.
The aiming point was the threshold of runway 18. The pilot maintained his aiming point and started the flare at the aimed position. The selected approach speed was 120 km/h with the flaps extended to the landing configuration.
2.2 Weather information
The pilot reported that the weather conditions were favourable for this local flight. There was no significant weather conditions at the aerodrome.