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Accident to the Robin HR100 registered HB-EUM occured on 04/01/2016 at Sondernach (68)

Perte de contrôle lors d’un vol à faible hauteur par conditions météorologiques défavorables au vol VFR, collision avec le sol, incendie

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

Flight from Bâle-Mulhouse AD (68) to  Saint-Dié AD (88).
A witness, close to the scene of the accident, had his attention drawn by the sound of an aircraft engine that seemed to be flying quite low, though he was unable to see it.

He then heard the noise of an impact a little higher up on the high ground.

The aeroplane collided with the ground with a high nose-down attitude and caught fire on impact.