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Accident to the Schempp Hirth Nimbus 4DM registered D-KXXY on 10/07/2024 at Vars

Collision with terrain, during a navigation flight

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression In progress
Progress: 50%

Vol AD Aspres-sur-Buech (05) - AD Aspres-sur-Buech (05) :

Le planeur décolle de Aspres-sur-Buech (LFNJ). Au coucher du soleil, le planeur n'est toujours pas revenu. La famille appelle le 191 ce qui lance les opérations de SAR. Le planeur est retrouvé deux jours plus tard.

The translation below is for information only:

The glider took off from Aspres-sur-Buech. At sunset, the glider had still not returned. The family called 191, which launched SAR operations. The glider was found two days later.