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Accident to the Shark identified 44BDO on 12/05/2023 at Saint-Pierre-Roche

Loss of control in cruise without external visual references, in-flight rupture of microlight

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

After a stay in Corsica, three pilots including the pilot of 44BDO, took off bound for Avignon-Caumont aerodrome, each aboard his own microlight.

At Avignon, the pilots separated, the first two pilots (1 and 2) took off bound for Le Havre while the pilot of 44BDO took off bound for La Baule.

Pilot 1, who pilot 2 and the pilot of 44BDO relied on for the analysis of the weather conditions, considered that the flights were feasible with probable difficulties over the Massif Central. Furthermore, the weather conditions on the following days were not as good.

Pilots 1 and 2 were obliged to divert to Mende and Vichy respectively. Pilot 1 who was flying between two cloud layers, progressively climbed to FL 090 while pilot 2 who was flying on top climbed to FL 125.

The pilot of 44BDO mainly flew between FL 080 and FL 095, probably between two cloud layers. In the last five minutes of the flight, the pilot began a climb towards FL 125 and then lost control, probably in the absence of external visual references, in a TCU or even CB cloud. The pilot did not regain control of the microlight which ruptured in flight, the speed very probably having become excessive. The pilot did not use the airframe parachute during the fall.

Given the pilot's state of health and the flight time spent at altitude, a deterioration in the pilot's performance could explain the failure to regain control of the microlight and the failure to use the airframe parachute.

Lastly, icing of the microlight in the cloud layer cannot be ruled out. It may have contributed to the loss of control of the microlight and/or compromised the recovery of control of the microlight.

Note: The 08:00 SIGWX chart is available in the Medias.

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