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Accident to the Airbus AS350-B3e registered F-HLXO on 30/10/2020 at Thiézac (Cantal)

Interférence de l'élingue avec la poutre de queue et le rotor anti-couple, atterrissage d'urgence

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

Cat. 2 investigation report: simplified-format report, adapted to the circumstances of the occurrence and the investigation stakes.

During an external load sling operation, at the time of set-down of the load, the use of suspension straps of an unsuitable length led a ground agent to uncouple the textile sling from the metal sling (attached to the helicopter). The helicopter pilot was informed of this operation and was warned that, due to this uncoupling, the metal sling was no longer ballasted. During the return flight to the loading zone, the helicopter’s speed increased beyond the speed recommended by the manufacturer (Vy). Due to excessive speed during descent, the metal sling became wound around the tail boom and in the tail rotor of the helicopter preventing rotation of the blades. The pilot managed to land in the take-off zone.