Perte d'un capotage du moteur 1 lors de la montée initiale, demi-tour, alarme feu moteur 1 lors de l'approche
Perte d'un capotage du moteur 1 lors de la montée initiale, demi-tour, alarme feu moteur 1 lors de l'approche
Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités du Brésil :
During takeoff, at 10:45, the aircraft lost the #1 engine outer fairing and the crew did not notice.
At 11:00, the crew was informed by radio that a fairing was located on the runway and that it possibly belonged to their aircraft. The crew tried to onserve the lack of fairing, and, with difficulty, was able to cinfirm that the aircraft indeed had lost the component (it was hard to see from inside the aircraft because it was the external fairing. It was possible to see just a bump on the top of the engine).
It was started the return to Brasilia. During the descent, the fire alarm in engine #1 was triggered. Although all parameters were normal, the crew fulfilled QRH and held cutting the engine and the use of the extinguishing system. Emergency was declared and the aircraft landed in Brasilia with a single engine at 11:15.
The aircraft proceeded to the parking area and everyone on board disembarked normally. Soon after landing, it was observed the expansion of tire #2.
In soil, it was observed that there was no evidence of fire. Possibly, the fire alarm was triggered by the wiring breakage detection system that has been damaged during the loss of the fairing.