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Serious Incident to an Airbus A320 occured on 01/18/2016 at Brasilia [investigation led by CENIPA / Brazil]

Symptomes d'hypoxie en cabine passagers, déploiement des masques oxygène, demi-tour

Responsible entity

Brazil - CENIPA

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités du Brésil :

The aircraft was still climbing on a flight from SBBR to SBAR when the cabin crew contacted the flight crew to inform that in the passengers’ cabin there was a significant lack of oxygen, which had already been noticed by some of the crew and passengers. The pilots deployed the oxygen masks, which were donned by some of the passengers and crew. After deploying the oxygen masks, the technical crew discontinued the climb and called ATC to request return to SBBR, where the aircraft landed without any further inconvenience to third parties and/or aircraft occupants.