Serious incident to the Airbus A319 registered B-6419 and operated by Sichuan Airlines on 13/05/2018 (UTC) en route [Investigation led by CAAC / China]
Perte du parebrise avant droit en croisière, dépressurisation, déroutement, atterrissage d'urgence
Responsible entity
Preliminary data based on the notification from the Chinese authorities:
The aircraft departed from Chong Qing Airport (ZUCK) bound for Lhasa (ZULS) at 22h27(UTC) on 13 May, 2018, when crusing on flight level 9800 meters, the whole RH windshield was fell out, damaged the FCU, caused the aircraft depressurization. The cabin Oxygen masks fell down; flight crew declared MAYDAY and squawked the A7700.
The aircraft alternative landed at Chengdu Shuang Liu International Airport (ZUUU) at 23h46, after landing No. 3 and 4 tyres burst.