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Serious incident to the ATR72 registered PR-MPY operated by TAP on 16/09/2019 at Itaituba [Investigation led by CENIPA / Brazil]

Panne d'essence

Responsible entity

Brazil - CENIPA

Preliminary data based on the notification from the Brazilian authorities:

The aircraft took off from Itaituba Aerodrome (SBIH), PA, to Eduardo Gomes Aerodrome (SBEG), Manaus, AM, at around 5:49 pm (UTC), in order to perform regular public air transportation, with four crew members and thirty-nine passengers on board. During the flight, we returned to SBIH due to an aeronautical occurrence involving the aircraft of PT-MHC brands in the locality of SBEG, leaving that aerodrome inoperative. On the final approach to landing at SBIH, there was a left engine failure and after landing, during the taxi, a right engine failure occurred. The right engine was restarted and the aircraft proceeded to the parking lot.