Balloons - 2021
In 2021, the BEA published three reports concerning balloon accidents, two of these occurring during commercial flights with passengers. Five passengers were injured during a commercial balloon flight.
1. Taking of risks and non-essential manoeuvres for the management of the flight
The accident to F-HCCL on 11 January 2021 at La Bresse resulted from the pilot’s decision to intentionally make a flight at very low height just above the trees. The basket hit the treetops, tipped, then came to a stop in the trees several metres off the ground.
Taking of risks and non-essential manoeuvres for the management of the flight were addressed in the 2020 safety lessons concerning light aeroplanes. The topic has also been addressed in the sections concerning microlights and light aeroplanes in the 2021 safety lessons.
2. Collision with an obstacle during a landing
The accident to F-GLAU on 20 September 2020 at Jouaville was the result of the balloon colliding with a medium-voltage power line during landing. Even though the pilot had identified this line, his attention had been focused on the passenger safety briefing and he observed that the balloon was very close to the power line too late. Believing that it would not be possible to avoid collision, the pilot pulled on the valve line and shut off the gas cylinders. These actions reduced the consequences of the collision and in particular the risk of fire.
The Fédération Française d’Aérostation (French Aerostation Federation (FFAé)) urges pilots to give the safety briefing before the flight. On the ground, it is easier to demonstrate the position and to check that passengers have correctly understood the instructions. In flight, a reminder of the safety positions then suffices. The height above ground level and obstacles is
150 m except for the purposes of take-off or landing. Giving the briefing at a sufficient height means that the pilot will be free of any constraint, in particular that posed by obstacles, as well as the noise of the burners.
This topic was also identified in 2020 with two reports published.
3. Injuries to passengers during landing
The accident to F-HGAS on 16 June 2021 at Castelnaud-la-Chapelle occurred during a commercial flight with eight passengers. Five passengers were injured of whom two were seriously injured during an uncontrolled descent that resulted in a hard landing. Focused on managing the descent, the pilot warned the passengers at a very late stage, and the latter did not have time to adopt the safety position.
As reiterated in the 2020 safety lessons, passengers “may not be aware that the landing can sometimes be dynamic. Touchdown can prove rough, in particular when there is a strong wind or during an emergency descent with a high vertical speed. In these conditions, passengers may be surprised and their physical capabilities may be exceeded.”
The FFAé has sent its members a self-assessment form to enable passengers to assess their physical capabilities before taking a balloon flight. This form will soon be available on the FFAé website.