Accident to the La Mouette - Oryx (P) identified 31RS on 29/07/2021 at Fousseret (Haute-Garonne)
Perte de contrôle après décollage, collision avec le sol
Cat. 2 investigation report: simplified-format report, adapted to the circumstances of the occurrence and the investigation stakes.
A few days before the accident, the pilot performed a maintenance operation to replace a batten on the right wing. To do this, he handled the rear tautening system of the wing. It is likely that he did not remove the wing from the trike. After replacing the batten, when he tautened the wing, he did not put the hook and the ball pin back into position.
During the first flight following this operation, with the rear tautening system device not in position, the pilot took off in 31RS and rose to a height of 45 m. The force of the air on the leading edges of the wing caused it to partially fold. The trike swung then the microlight descended rapidly. The pilot tried to push on the control bar but was unable to control the descent. The microlight struck the ground.