Accident to the Cirrus SR20 registered F-HPPM on 23/08/2020 at Toulouse Lasbordes AD
Rebonds lors de l'atterrissage, rupture du train d'atterrissage avant
This is a courtesy translation by the BEA of the Final Report on the Safety Investigation published in September 2020. As accurate as the translation may be, the original text in French is the work of reference.
The following information is principally based on the pilot’s statement. This information has not been independently validated by the BEA.
The pilot indicated that he took off from Toulouse Lasbordes aerodrome for a local flight of about one hour. He joined the downwind leg for runway 33. He was then number 2 for landing. During the final approach, at an airspeed of 75 kt, the aircraft in landing configuration, he called back the controller. At the same moment, another pilot came on the frequency. As a consequence, the controller did not give him clearance to land. The pilot continued the approach, then considered aborting it on short final. When he finally received clearance to land, he was a few meters above the ground. Believing that the speed of the plane was too low, he applied a little power. According to the pilot, the airspeed of the plane was 83 kt during the flare. The plane bounced very high. The pilot explained that he then pulled on the control stick and did not think of performing a go-around. The plane bounced three times. The nose gear broke and the plane slid along the runway before stopping.
2.1 Meteorological Information
The weather conditions noted by the pilot on the aerodrome of Toulouse Lasbordes were as follows: wind from 350° at 8 to 10 kt, visibility higher than 10 km, scattered clouds based at 4,500 ft, 31 °C.
2.2 Pilot Information
The 65-year-old pilot had held a PPL(A) private pilot licence, aeroplane since 2008. He had logged 252 flight hours, including about 50 hours on the SR20 and 10 hours in the previous three months.