Accident to the fixed-wing ultralight FK9 identified 10NA on 13/10/2024 at Vesvres
Loss of external visual references while cruising, opening of the emergency parachute
The translation below is for information only:
The pilot was navigating from Chalon-Chamforgeuil (LFLH) to the La Rosétaine microlight platform (LF4560).
In flight, the pilot noticed the arrival of stratus cloud. He decided to stay on course and try to avoid it.
He eventually found himself in the stratus surrounding the terrain.
Losing sight of the ground, he decided to open the microlight's parachute to avoid colliding with the ground or a wind turbine.
The FK9 descended almost vertically and reached the ground. The blades and left wing were damaged.
The undercarriage was torn away and the upper part of the fuselage showed signs of tearing following the opening of the parachute.