Accident to the Schempp Hirth Janus CM registered F-CVAS on 25/08/2022 at Albertville
Engine failure during self-launch take-off, loss of control in initial climb, collision with ground
After taking off, in climb at a height of around 60 m, during a RH turn, the gilder’s engine shut down. The keyway which participates in connecting the electrical generator rotor and the engine crankshaft probably ruptured, leading to a failure of the ignition system and then the engine shutdown. Thread lock had not been applied to the nut holding the rotor on the end of the crankshaft. This led to the progressive loosening of the nut and finally to the rupture of the keyway. The pilot quickly lost control of the glider which collided with the ground.
The BEA issues 1 safety recommendation:
- Taking into account risk of failure of a flight control [Recommendations FRAN-2024-018]
The BEA recommends that:
- whereas there is no regulatory solution, other than the certification of part modifications, to enable owners of certified aircraft whose parts are no longer produced or are no longer available, to continue operating the aircraft concerned when a part has to be replaced;
- whereas the type certificates of these aircraft or engines are valid;
- whereas EASA has indicated that other aircraft types may be concerned;
EASA, in coordination with the manufacturers, Schempp Hirth and Rotax, clarify the situation and status of aircraft and engines whose type certificates are still valid, but for which spare parts are no longer available.
The recommendation is being processed
The status of the recommendations is available at SRIS2: click here
Note: in accordance with the provisions of Article 17.3 of Regulation No 996/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation, a safety recommendation in no case creates a presumption of fault or liability in an accident, serious incident or incident. The recipients of safety recommendations report to the issuing authority in charge of safety investigations, on the measures taken or being studied for their implementation, as provided for in Article 18 of the aforementioned regulation.