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Serious incident to the Partenavia P68 registered F-GIEV on 30/07/2019 at Melun-Villaroche

Posé-décollé sur piste occupée, lors d’un vol de contrôle

Responsible entity

France - BEA

Investigation progression Closed
Progress: 100%

The Melun control unit made the decision to manage, in a simplified manner, a work situation during which personnel and vehicles were moving in the safety area of runway 28, without publishing a NOTAM or formalising instructions in writing for the controllers.

The controller cleared the crew of F-GIEV to use runway 28 for a touch-and-go. His situational awareness did not include the unavailability of runway 10/28, until he received the message from the FLYCO agent indicating that the aeroplane had performed a touch-and-go on the runway. The controller was most likely distracted due to using his mobile phone shortly before the event.

No landing clearance was issued prior to the touch-and-go, the pilots and the controller each thinking that it had been issued. The crew of F-GIEV thus performed a touch-and-go on runway 28 while workers were working nearby and vehicles were in the safety area.