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Accident de l'Airbus A320 immatriculé N103US exploité par US Airways le 14/05/2016 en croisière [Enquête menée par le NTSB / Etats-Unis]

Blessure d'un personnel de cabine lors d'une turbulence sévère en descente

Autorité en charge

Etats-Unis - NTSB

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités des Etats-Unis d'Amérique :

During descent into PHL, the flight encountered severe turbulence. The number 3 flight attendant was thrown against the jumpsuit, injuring his hand. The flight landed safety and the flight attendant was taken to a nearby hospital. X-rays taken of the flight attendant's left hand show that the hand is broken. The flight attendant's hand was splinted and he was released from the hospital.