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Accident de l'hélicoptère Airbus AS350 immatriculé LN-OWE survenu le 24/02/2018 près de Steigen [Enquête menée par AIBN / Norvège]

Heurt des pâles du rotor principal avec un container lors de l'atterrissage

Autorité en charge

Norvège - AAIB

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités de la Norvège :

At positioning of the helicopter LN-OWE during landing, the main rotary blades came into contact with a container. The commander manouvered the helicopter away from the container.There were insignificant vibrations in the helicopter. The helicopter was controllable and therefore the commander decided to return to the departing site one to two minutes flight time away. After shutdown, it was found that the outermost part of all three main rotor blades was damaged.