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Accident de l'hélicoptère AS350 immatriculé PP-ENM le 10/11/2017 près d'Oros [Enquête menée par CENIPA / Brésil]

Collision en vol avec une ligne électrique en opération de police

Autorité en charge

Brésil - CENIPA

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités du Brésil :

The aircraft took off from Nova Floresta-CE at 12:33 local time to take part into a police operation in the region, with five crewmembers on board. After 10 minutes of flying, during the accompaniment of a vehicle, the aircraft collided the main rotor blades against a low voltage power grid. Immediately, the crew decided to make a precautionary landing. The maneuver was successful. All occupants were unharmed. Upon landing, during inspection, it was verified substantial damage at the main rotor blades. There was damage to third parties.