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Incident grave de l'Airbus A320 immatriculé C-FKCK et exploité par Air Canada survenu le 07/07/2017 à San Francisco, Californie [Enquête menée par NTSB / Etats-Unis]

Alignement sur une voie de circulation d'aérodrome lors de l'approche finale, interruption de l'approche

Autorité en charge

Etats-Unis - NTSB

Données préliminaires issues des autorités des Etats-Unis :

On July 7, 2017, about 2356 Pacific daylight time, Air Canada flight 759, an Airbus A-320, C-FKCK, was cleared to land on runway 28R at San Francisco International Airport (SFO), San Francisco, California, but instead lined up on parallel taxiway C, which had four air carrier airplanes on it awaiting takeoff clearance (a Boeing 787 that was first in line followed by an Airbus A340, another Boeing 787, and a Boeing 737). The flight descended below 100 feet above the ground and initiated a go-around after overflying the first airplane on the taxiway. The flight was operating under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 129 as an international scheduled passenger flight from Toronto/Lester B. Pearson International Airport, (YYZ), Toronto, Canada. Night visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the incident.

Preliminary report available at :