Incident grave de l'Airbus A320 immatriculé HK5413 exploité par Ultra Air survenu le 28/09/2022 près de Cali
Alarme GPWS en descente
Autorité en charge
Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités de Colombie :
The crew was made a RNP RNAV STAR procedure ASIKO 1C, flying direct to RNAV CL807 (Without overfly through point RNAV USEVU) and, with 9,800 ft ALT the crew had a reactive GPWS indication.
The crew made inmediatly action in sidestick and TOGA to climb to 12,000 ft ALT. The aircraft then aligned with ILS at 6,000 pies ALT and made the landing safely.
According to inicial Flight Data, there aircraft reach 1,570 ft RA with terrain.
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