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Incident grave de l'Airbus A320 immatriculé VT-WGE et exploité par Go Airlines et de l'Airbus A320 immatriculé VT-IGK et exploité par Indigo survenu le 23/04/2018 en croisière [Enquête menée par AIB / Inde]

Perte de séparation entre deux avions en croisiére, avis de résolution TCAS

Autorité en charge

Inde - AIB

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités de l'Inde :

GOW 585 from Mumbai to Patna FL370 was given descend to FL330 by RSR -South Controller through the level of IGO6488 from Kolkata to Delhli maintaining FL360 without coordinating with RSR -North Controller (having jurisdiction over both GOW585 and IGO6488). Both the aircrafts received TCAS RA. IGO6488 was observed to be following RA but GOW585 was observed to be descending contrary to RA and the PIC was observed to be confirming the controller that She is climbing. the minimum lateral and vertical distance were reduced to 5 NM and 400 feet respectively.