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Incident grave de l'Airbus A330 immatriculé EC-MIL, exploité par Iberia, survenu le 16/04/16 à Fortaleza [Enquête menée par CENIPA / Brésil]

Fumées en cabine en croisière, déroutement

Autorité en charge

Brésil - CENIPA

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités du Brésil.

The aircraft EC-MIL took off from SUMU airport (Montevideo) to destination LEMD (madrid) on 16th april 2016. During cruise flight, at 20:35 Z, the commandant has reported emergency due to smoke on board (Cabin) and diverted to SBFZ (Fortaleza-Brazil). The landing was performed safely and no injury was reported.