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Incident grave de l'hélicoptère AS 350 immatriculé PT-YOL survenu le 24/03/2017 à Goiana [Enquête menée par CENIPA / Brésil]

Diminution de la puissance du moteur, atterrissage forcé

Autorité en charge

Brésil - CENIPA

Données préliminaires issues de la notification des autorités du Brésil.

The helicopter departed from a helipad in the racetrack of Goiânia, Goiás with a destination of Goianésia, Goiás. Shortly after the takeoff, with approximately 100 ft high, and the speed between 50 and 60 kt, a strong noise from the engine was heard, followed by loss of power. The pilot made a forced landing ahead.